Canine Behavior Consulting

Live a happier life with your dog through reinforcement-based methods.

The Benefits of Reinforcement-based Methods:

  • Teach your dog to do what you want, instead of what you don’t, such as barking, digging, destructive chewing, jumping, pulling on leash and resource guarding.
  • Achieve great, long-lasting results. Training based in positive reinforcement is fast – and fun – for both you and your dog.
  • It’s the most exciting, effective, and humane way to help your dog live happily with you.

One-on-One Coaching

We work with you and your dog at every appointment, in the places where you need the most help.

  • Address problems such as pulling on leash, jumping up, and ignoring you when called.
  • Improve aggression issues like lunging, reactive barking, snapping, and biting.
  • Help your dog adjust to a new baby in the home & set everyone up for success.
  • Build confidence and trust with your dog through safe, pain-free methods.

We will never use or recommend electric shock, prong collars, choke chains, leash jerks, hitting, or intimidation as part of any plan. 

About Wesley Hawkins, CDBC

Wesley Hawkins, CDBC

Wesley Hawkins, CDBC

Owner/CEO | CDBC | Family Paws Parent Educator

I decided to study dog behavior and training because I wanted my two-year-old Labrador to behave better. I found the work so fascinating that I started Puget Sound Puppers in 2010 and graduated from the Animal Behavior College (ABCDT) in 2012. I became a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant in 2020. In 2022, I became a licensed Family Paws Educator. I enjoy teaching people how to have a better quality of life with their canine loved ones through the dog-friendly use of reward-based approaches.

IAABC Certified


Initial Consultation: $179

(emails or phone calls to collect information, a 2 hour, in-person appointment, plus an initial training plan outline)

One-on-one Coaching (60 minute sessions)

1 session: $85
Package of 5 sessions: $349
Package of 10 sessions: $675
Package of 20 sessions: $1299

Become a Pupper Pal!

Know someone that needs the help of a Behavior Consultant? You can earn walk credits for each referral you make.

We do not discriminate against any breed because we believe that each and every dog deserves respect and understanding as sentient beings with their own emotions and choices.

Please note: Because every dog is an individual, no training program can guarantee a specific result. Progress depends on each owner’s capabilities to follow through with training.